More efficiency in your bakery plant? Meet the molds and kits from Magorex


The efficiency of a bakery or confectionary shop is one of the key factors for achieving success in the industry. However, not everyone succeeds — after all, to increase the efficiency of your work, you need to consider different issues, such as the right equipment, qualified personnel or process automation. Wondering, how you can make your business more efficient? In this article, we will present the latest solutions from Magorex that not only increase efficiency but also guarantee higher-quality baked goods. Molds and kits dedicated to professional bakeries and pastry shops are a great addition to a well-run business.

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The material of the baking mould and the quality of the bread – test results

rozwiązania dla piekarni przemysłowych

Crispy, evenly baked crust and making sure that each baked good will offer the highest quality every time – that’s the daily bread of every baker’s work. Today’s customer is very demanding and has a lot of choices. Consumers come back for quality, and it consists not only of taste, and healthy composition but also the crunchiness of the crust and appearance because we also eat with our eyes. Can you increase the likelihood that your product will be the customer’s favourite by choosing the material from which the mould is made?

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