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31 January 2022Production of bakery and confectionery equipment in Magorex

We are constantly investing in new solutions that will further improve the production of Magorex bakery and confectionery equipment.

The opening of the two new production plants was a crucial step in our development. Our long-term employee, Krzysztof Kotlarek, tells in a short conversation how it all went and what else we have planned.

Have you been part of the Magorex team for a long time?

Although I didn’t find my way to the new plant until January, my internship in the company has been nearly fifteen years. At the very beginning, of course, I was a regular worker. My promotion to a foreman came after six or seven years. I like my job; it is always challenging. There is something new going on all the time. There is no typical production here. Often new things come out, and there are also new challenges every day to avoid repetition.

Tell us about the work in the new Magorex production hall. What are you responsible for?

I am a foreman, I deal with the organization of work in the plant. First of all, I need to keep my team busy. That is why I am in constant contact with our headquarters at Pienińska Street. I declare when we can execute a given order, and I control everything we do.

When I first came here, the machines had already arrived from the Netherlands. Everything was ready to go, so I didn’t have to deal with the equipment. Our production is focused mainly on the flagship Magorex bakery and confectionery equipment, i.e. bread proofing peelboards pressed baking forms and sets of forms.

Find out more about the production of Magorex bread proofing peelboards →

na jakich maszynach powstaje sprzęt piekarniczy Magorex
sprzęt piekarniczy na jakich maszynach powstaje

The change turned out to be a big challenge for you?

Before that, I had another foreman at my disposal, and there was also a manager. Here I am responsible for the coordination and organization myself. In the morning, I get general instructions, and I find out what is the plan for this day.

Is the plant completed? All the necessary machines are still in their places, or are you planning any more changes?

Since I’ve been here, a new laser has already appeared. We are also planning to move another welding robot, which is currently at our headquarters. We are focused on continuous development. We want to improve productivity and increase efficiency. That’s why I’m sure the machines will be here all the time.

See how our production is going and what else we plan for the future → Magorex bakery equipment: new production plants and products.

Tajemnicą sukcesu Magorex jest zaangażowanie oraz pasja naszych pracowników. Chcesz przekonać się osobiście, co powstaje dzięki ich ciężkiej pracy? Zobacz, jakie sprzęty piekarnicze i cukiernicze wspólnie produkujemy →