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11 March 2021Ergonomic workplace: bakery and confectionery furniture

Which bakery and confectionery furniture is worth investing in to create an ergonomic workplace? What are the benefits of this? See dedicated MAGOREX solutions and choose the assortment that will work best in your plant.

Ergonomic workplace - functional, safe and comfortable

Faced with the dilemma of how to make production more flexible, increase efficiency and properly use the available space, the owners of bakery and confectionery plants are looking for solid, durable, and adapted to the needs of employees equipment and elements of equipment. An ergonomic workplace means a direct increase in flexibility and an improvement in the production cycle. Effective systems take into account the well-being of potential users of the assortment. Proper adaptation of the surface, therefore, requires optimized tools and bakery and confectionery furniture of the highest quality.

We have developed several dozen models that meet the expectations of our customers and will allow you to arrange professional, maximum comfortable positions. What materials are MAGOREX furniture made of and what can you choose to introduce the necessary improvements and amenities?

Check what materials we use to manufacture equipment for bakeries and confectioneries →

Which ergonomic bakery and confectionery furniture should you choose?

Work tables, racks, shelves, cabinets, hoods, sinks, and washbasins. Specialized equipment is the basis. As the equipment comes into direct contact with food, it should have appropriate approvals and meet the relevant standards. When equipping a production plant, we look for elements that will stand the test of time. All ergonomic bakery and confectionery furniture must be durable, easy to clean, corrosion, and moisture resistant. It is for this reason that we used stainless steel, which is not susceptible to abrasion, wear, or deterioration under the influence of chemicals.

Perfect furniture adapts to the individual conditions in the plant. They are adjustable, expandable, and freely configurable. Do you need additional shelves or maybe you want to adjust the height? Even if we can easily find furniture with strictly defined dimensions and special features on the market, it is good to reach for more flexible offers, thanks to which, if necessary, we can quickly react to changing realities. Let’s use the amenities: wheels for free manoeuvring and moving, as well as the option of creating custom-made furniture.

Discover the necessary elements of bakery and confectionery equipment – oven and transport racks

regały piekarnicze do łatwego przechowywania magorex
W które meble piekarnicze i cukiernicze warto zainwestować, chcąc stworzyć ergonomiczne miejsce pracy? Jakie wynikają z tego korzyści? Zobacz dedykowane rozwiązania MAGOREX i wybierz asortyment, który najlepiej sprawdzi się w Twoim zakładzie.

Bakery and confectionery furniture: tables

A table with a manually or electrically lifted tabletop, stone, or beech top? The already mentioned height adjustment is a priority for many representatives of the baking and confectionery industry, as is the reliable, classic design and the stainless steel base. Which model turns out to be the most adequate depends on many factors, such as the target number of drawers, the organization of the room dictating central or wall variants, as well as the type of shelves – openwork or full. The optional wheels with brakes will help you set the table in a specific, preferred position and change its position as you wish.

Find out more about tables for bakeries and patisseries →

Bakery and confectionery furniture: shelves, wardrobes and shelves

Tace, stojaki, wykrojniki do ciast, zestawy form cukierniczych – niezliczona ilość wyposażenia wymaga zatem strategicznie rozmieszczonych, mocnych i stabilnych mebli. Szafy z drzwiami suwanymi pozwolą zaoszczędzić miejsce, a wiszące dwuskrzydłowe szafki ułatwią szczególnie istotne kwestie porządkowe i organizacyjne. Podając podstawowe wymiary, możesz również otrzymać spersonalizowane regały ze stali nierdzewnej. Na co jeszcze zwrócić uwagę? Przede wszystkim, na zaopatrzone w kółka, mobilne wózki termoizolacyjne. Rzeczy, które trzeba mieć zawsze pod ręką mogą natomiast spocząć na wiszących półkach – pojedynczych, podwójnych lub potrójnych.

W które meble piekarnicze i cukiernicze warto zainwestować, chcąc stworzyć ergonomiczne miejsce pracy? Jakie wynikają z tego korzyści? Zobacz dedykowane rozwiązania MAGOREX i wybierz asortyment, który najlepiej sprawdzi się w Twoim zakładzie.

Hoods, sinks and maintenance-free washbasins

They are necessary to maintain hygiene and proper care for appliances and accessories. Because they are available in various variants, we can choose them according to our needs, the method of organization, and the basic spatial conditions. MAGOREX sinks can therefore be single-chamber or two-chamber; they differ in the presence and location of an additional, functional shelf. The ergonomic workplace also includes maintenance-free, knee-operated, or photocell-operated washbasins. What if we want to clean larger trays or baking molds? Then the exceptionally spacious pools come to the rescue, thanks to which you can carry out this process without difficulty.

The main task of hoods is to remove water vapor, excess heat, intense odors, and grease particles. Although they do not usually play a primary role, they significantly contribute to the general atmosphere and comfort of work. Depending on the layout of the room, choose a central, box or wall-mounted, oblique hood.

Ergonomic workplace - MAGOREX bakery and confectionery furniture

Are you looking for individually tailored, ergonomic bakery and confectionery furniture? Download the MAGOREX catalogue and contact our sales office. Tell us what you need and we will create equipment especially for you!

Wózki do pieców piekarniczych